Monday, March 14, 2011

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With such clarity of thought, to the future of their targeted web site do optimization, baidu and GOOLE sort algorithm may be different, later everyone in making further SEO when these differences will moreTo the more obvious in baidu, such …

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With such clarity of thought, to the future of their targeted web site do optimization, baidu and GOOLE sort algorithm may be different, later everyone in making further SEO when these differences will moreTo the more obvious in baidu, such as the word in the dictionary of domesticity existed (I know baidu have 6 dictionaries, subdivision words more) mini game this word cut word after its root is small game, when you put mini gameUp, baidu also can to small game offer certain rankings, this is the so-called cutting word after the reverse order! And GOOLE for this sort miniscule, this is differences!SEO, in my opinion, it with the search engines the relationship is very embarrassed, SEO, the customer, the surface is triangle retrieval, aiming at the relationship based on customer, search engine is based on customer is for retrieval person! Search engine is the purpose of your visitors in input retrieval words later to customers with the most true mostValue of material and produces an order. Search engine ranking results of that it is the most reasonable real and resent people to change it results. And we do SEO’s purpose is just change its ranking results, thisTo handle this delicate relationship between them, I think every webmaster all have conscience, try to place the content yourself well point! If searching out the garbage or not related articles, even with the good rankings is long alsoLong not!Of course SEO is a long-term process of learning, ace is won’t put forward technical tell everybody has, in his stomach hide! SEO was originally a limitation of the topic, also is not suitable for wide spread, youThink everyone knows the mysteries of these, search engines don’t motionless in shadow.molecules, it will also change algorithm! Suggest everybody go online learning some ace preacher articles, which also revealed many SEO’s secret, need sinceYourself to find, summed up in long time practice will naturally formed our own after a set of methods! See

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